When we know more about what characterizes people with different attitudes, we can also better understand how we can motivate different groups. We can thus get people to set long-term goals and ...
The next time you are asked to give a presentation, consider adopting a different attitude. Ask yourself, “What do I owe this group of people?” Thinking about meeting the audience’s needs ...
In the 16th and 17th centuries, people supported capital ... head with a tongue iron in the mouth. The different punishment for women reflects the attitudes towards, and status of, women in ...
A positive attitude, what researchers call a “growth mindset” or belief in growth, is associated with both higher willpower and passion, according to a new large study. People who believe they will ...
When we know more about what characterizes people with different attitudes, we can also better understand how we can motivate different groups. We can thus get people to set long-term goals and ...