A new study has lifted the lid on five species of root-lesion nematodes living in maize crops across New Zealand - and ...
As well as nematocides, meaning that we deal with certain areas, we deal with the number of corn nematodes that give us trouble. And today we can actually add nematocides to the seed treatment ...
A new tool for controlling soybean cyst nematode will be available to growers this year. Steve Sopher with crop protection ...
The microscopic soybean cyst nematode (SCN) may be small, but it has a massive impact. This pest latches onto soybean roots, ...
Soybean cyst nematodes have been present in every Iowa county since 2017 and new survey results show the costly crop pests ...
Bobby Clark and the Cooperative Extension are leading a multi-state research effort that could innovate farming practices across the region.