China is a great example, facing issues with the development of jet engines for their ... rely on Russian Saturn AL-31 engines. The Chinese-produced WS-15 is slated to enter service within a ...
"It has been pointed out that China's WS-10 engine is similar to the US F101 engine, but it is clear that Chinese jet engines have developed without direct U.S. support. The J-20's WS-15 engine ...
CHINA is vying to take on the 'Son of Concorde' with an even faster supersonic jet that could blast from ... The so-called Jindouyun engine, or JinDou400, could enable travel twice as fast as ...
The jet was introduced to China's People's Liberation Army Air ... The jets are reportedly upgrading their Russian-made engines to the WS-15 afterburning turbofan engine, the SCMP reported in ...