Thaumetopoea pityocampa worms from Barcelona's pine trees. Migrating in March month, really warm month to trigger this process. The pine processionary is a real pest this year near Barcelona and all ...
If undisturbed, the little caterpillar eventually makes its ... Even in tlie case of the frailer nests built in the open by tree wasps, the power to withstand the effect of rain is very great ...
The browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.), overwinters as larvae (caterpillars) in colonies that are enclosed within webbed nests of white silk tightly woven around a leaf in trees or shrubs.
They are constantly being dropped throughout its time as a caterpillar. They are too tiny to see, but cover the branches of the tree where the creatures have been feasting and of course the nests are ...
Outdoors, they feed on living and dead insects. They feed on a sweet liquid produced by ... Outdoor control of carpenter ants Carpenter ant nest in a tree stump Often, carpenter ant nests found ...