Now, only the CDC import form is necessary as long as the animal hasn’t been in a high-risk country in the past six months. The new CDC form is available online and can be completed on the day ...
You'll need only the CDC import form completed on the day of travel (though it can be filled out up to six months in advance). The same form can be used for multiple entries in a six-month span as ...
Dogs coming from low-risk countries must arrive with a CDC Dog Import Form, be at least 6 months old, have a microchip and appear healthy. In addition to those requirements, U.S.-vaccinated dogs ...
For dogs entering the U.S. from low-risk or dog-rabies-free countries like Canada, the revised rule currently requires travelers to fill out one form—the CDC Dog Import Form. The CDC Import ...
A CDC import form must be filled out in advance, and include a photo of the dog. — Proof of rabies vaccination is required only if the dog was in a high-risk country in the past six months.
Anyone bringing a dog over the border must complete a CDC Dog Import Form, which can be filled out and submitted online. The form requires basic information about the dog as well as "a clear ...