Want to know the core plants you can grow to add beauty while helping beneficial garden friends? Discover the best ...
and I’m excited to share with you fifteen stunning butterflies and the perfect plants to attract them. Let's dive into the world of butterflies and discover how to create a vibrant and welcoming ...
Three quarters of butterfly species are in decline in the UK, but gardeners can play a key role in providing colourful visitors with much-needed habitats. Even small gardens in built-up areas can ...
To start a chaste tree from seed, collect and extract the seed from mature fruit in the fall. Plant it in a container filled ...
As is clear by its nickname, ‘the butterfly bush’, buddleia is perfect for attracting butterflies. During the day it also attracts bees, and moths by night. Cut all the stems back to 45-60cm tall in ...
At the time, I knew nothing about the plant but noticed that it was a pollen and nectar source for bees and butterflies as well as a native to the central and eastern United States. Just beginning ...
Jewelweed's most common pollinators include hummingbirds, long-tongued bees, and butterflies ... Seeking companion plants for ...
Larissa says, 'Cultivate different plants that flower throughout the year to attract a variety of butterflies into the area, and keep them watered, because the supply of nectar reduces if the plants ...
Provide the butterflies with warmth (a sunny spot), shelter (shrubs and trees) and nectar and butterflies will start to use your garden to feed and maybe even breed.
Try placing a few dried banana skins below the surface around your rose bushes. Bananas are also rich in potassium, a vital nutrient for gardens. Bananas also attract birds and butterflies ...