Bhojpuri language film. Plot TBA. The fourth installment in the Nirahua Hindustani franchise. A remake of the 2012 Chhattisgarhiya film Laila Tip Top, Chhaliya Angutha Chhap, Nirahua Hindustani ...
A remake of the 2012 Chhattisgarhiya film Laila Tip Top, Chhaliya Angutha Chhap, Nirahua Hindustani follows a woman named Sona, who marries Nirahua in order to inherit her father's estate.
However, she made her entry into the Bhojpuri film industry in 2014 with her debut film 'Nirahua Hindustani.' After her debut, Aamrapali Dubey further solidified her presence in the Bhojpuri film ...
She made her debut as a child artist in the TV show ‘Hum Hain Hindustani’. Later, she ventured into the Bhojpuri film ...