Based on the manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, Dandadan follows Momo and Okarun, two teenagers who slowly become friends at school due to their joint love of the occult and extraterrestrial. Momo is a ...
Yukinobu Tatsu's Dandadan imagines a bizarre universe where yokai and aliens coexist. Like its outlandish and creative worldbuilding, the series also introduces a cast of unique and quirky characters.
After the final episode of the debut season aired this Fall, Dandadan has officially announced that the anime is returning for Season 2. Premiering some time in July as part of the Summer 2025 ...
Dandadan finale, titled Let's Go to the Cursed House, premiered on Friday, December 20, 2024, at 12:26 am JST. The episode starts with a lighthearted tone but gradually shifts toward a more ...
Dandadan chapter 179 is set to release on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at 12AM JST, according to the official MANGA Plus website. Following Seiko and her allies’ victory over the Iron Bull and ...
The following contains spoilers for Dandadan Season 1, Episode 7, "To a Kinder World," streaming now on Crunchyroll. Fans received Dandadan warmly and with raucous laughter since the day it aired.
The following contains spoilers for Dandadan Season 1, Episode 8-9, currently streaming on Netflix. Yukinobu Tatsu's Dandadan has been a smash hit since its animated debut by the studio Science Saru.
'Dandadan' will have 12 episodes for its first season. Standard for most anime series, the episodes will be enough to carry on each story line relevantly. The studio behind the animation is ...
So far, the Dandadan anime series has introduced Ayase Momo, Ken Takakura, and Aira Shiratori as the ghosts and alien fighting trio, who, despite their constant bickering, seem to trust one another.