Directed by Daisuke Nishio and produced by Toei Animation, the animated short is about a boy named Dong-Dong who encounters a ...
Toei Animation is set for a big day with one of its short films scoring a nomination for the 97th Academy Awards ceremony ...
Here's where to stream the short films nominated in the animated, live-action, and documentary categories at the 97th Academy ...
Toei Animation has submitted its short animated feature, Magic Candies, to be shortlisted for an Academy Award.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Thursday that Toei Animation, Daisuke Nishio, and Takashi Washio 's "Magic Candies" ("Amedama") short has been nominated for Best Animated ...
Animation made Academy shortlist after New York festival jury prize win "Magic Candies," the Japanese adaptation of South ...
TEHRAN-The Iranian short animated movie “In the Shadow of the Cypress,” co-directed by Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani ...